Welcome to Swift Haven

Restoring Women's Dignity

Swift Haven is dedicated to addressing period poverty in Africa by providing sustainable funding for free sanitary pads through ad revenue, ensuring girls have uninterrupted access to education and opportunities.

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To create a future where menstruation is not a barrier to education, opportunity, or well-being for girls across Africa


By 2029, Swift Haven aspires to be a leading force in the fight against period poverty in Africa

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  • 1 in 10 girls in sub-Saharan Africa miss school during their period or eventually drop out altogether.
  • Companies providing free sanitary pads require donors
  • Girls lack access to essential menstrual hygiene products


Swift Haven provides sustainable funding for free sanitary pads in Africa by generating ad revenue from digital screens in partnered locations, supported by Corporate Social Responsibility tokens. Girls receive pads through vending machines in schools, ensuring continuous access to education and opportunities.

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-What We Acheive-

Our Impact

Here are the major impacts that our work has on female communities

  • Promoting Gender Equality

    Swift Haven promotes gender equality by addressing period poverty, facilitating access to education, and implementing sustainable funding models for empowerment.

  • Increased Access to Education

    Swift Haven boosts education access by supplying free sanitary pads, reducing school absenteeism during menstruation, and fostering sustainable funding models.

  • Increased Economic Opportunities

    Swift Haven enhances economic opportunities by empowering girls through education, breaking the cycle of poverty, and fostering sustainable livelihoods.

  • Improved Self-Esteem and Confidence

    Swift Haven enhances self-esteem by providing menstrual hygiene products, fostering education, and empowering girls to overcome societal barriers.


-Why Swift Haven-

Our Competitive Advantage

Discover why Swift Haven stands out. Our innovative approach to addressing period poverty ensures sustainable impact and lasting empowerment.

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    Adverts Paying for sanitary pads, which makes the provision of the Pads more sustainable.

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    Job Creation

    The Installation of the Vending Machine in various high schools and locations would be a means of job creation for locals and other people in need.

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    Proper Enlightenment

    As part of our strategy, Infomercials on TV screens would be put in strategic loactions like female bathrooms for reproductive health education.

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    Cheaper Advertisement

    To ensure our ads are avaliable even to upcoming companies and start-ups, we ensure Ccost-effectiveness of the Ads, Ads costing $10 per minute.

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    Range of Funding

    Although Swfit Haven is built to be independent of doantions; having her own source of revenue generation. We still accept external funding of all kinds, which gives us a financial edge.


Hi there! I'm Lola, your new period bestie on Swift-Haven. Tired of confusing apps and period mysteries? Chat with me on WhatsApp to track your cycle, get personalized tips, and connect with a supportive community (coming soon!). It's like having a friend in your pocket - anytime, anywhere.

Chat with Lola

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Work Together
  • Swift Haven is dedicated to addressing period poverty in Africa by providing sustainable solutions and fostering empowerment among girls.

  • We provide free sanitary pads to girls, reducing absenteeism during menstruation and ensuring uninterrupted access to education.

  • We utilise ad revenue generated from digital screens in partnered locations and sustainable funding models supported by CSR tokens.

  • You can support us by donating, spreading awareness, or collaborating with us to implement sustainable solutions to combat period poverty.

  • We aim to break the cycle of inequality by promoting gender equality, fostering economic opportunities, and enhancing self-esteem among girls in Africa.